While the industry and the global economic ecosystem are seeking to thrive in an era of innovation led by digital, it is facing an increasing challenge in one of its most inherent aspect – which is cyber. Digital without connectivity of cyberspace is inconsequential and cyberspace without consideration to the cyber risk and security is not impactful.
We have entered a critical time in our society where risks to life and livelihood are being created and carried out through online exploits. The war in Ukraine has seen escalated use of cyber warfare to reduce-eliminate access to critical infrastructure.
The role of our industry is changing. We are quickly becoming guardians of personal safety and security. Governments, militaries, and industry must work together to overcome these challenges.
As executives across multiple sectors in the industry and public sector grapple with consequences of the cyber challenges, it is essential for these leaders to come together to deliberate on the fundamental aspects of cyber risk and address this collectively. Cybersecurity has naturally evolved as a key Board topic and now demands executive decision and action. This can only be achieved through collaboration and informed decision making at the highest levels where the business and the cyber chiefs work together to take these informed decisions and put them into action as any business measure.
With this the Cyber Future Foundation, has convened the Cyber Future Dialogues as an continued measure of executive discussion across business and cyber chiefs, along with public sector and NGO leaders. This Cyber Future Dialogue is an executive roundtable of select global leaders to serve as a pioneer group to put together a call to action on all things that relate to the executive decision and action on cyber.
“CYBER FUTURE DIALOGUE is not endorsed by or affiliated with WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM”
Western Talent Conference
Central Talent Conference
The Responsible & Secure AI Town Hall saw to leading experts, researchers, industry professionals, policymakers, and concerned citizens from around the world coming together to explore the critical issues surrounding the development, deployment, and governance of artificial intelligence
Responsible and Secure AI
While the industry and the global economic ecosystem are seeking to thrive in an era of innovation led by digital, it is facing an increasing challenge in one of its most inherent aspect – which is cyber. Digital without connectivity of cyberspace is inconsequential and cyberspace without consideration to the cyber risk and security is not impactful.
We have entered a critical time in our society where risks to life and livelihood are being created and carried out through online exploits. Kinetic warfare in multiple fronts in across the world has seen escalated use of cyber warfare to reduce-eliminate access to critical infrastructure.
The role of our industry is changing. We are quickly becoming guardians of personal safety and security. Governments, militaries, and industry must work together to overcome these challenges.
As executives across multiple sectors in the industry and public sector grapple with consequences of the cyber challenges, it is essential for these leaders to come together to deliberate on the fundamental aspects of cyber risk and address this collectively. Cybersecurity has naturally evolved as a key Board topic and now demands executive decision and action. This can only be achieved through collaboration and informed decision making at the highest levels where the business and the cyber chiefs work together to take these informed decisions and put them into action as any business measure.
With this the Cyber Future Foundation, has convened the Cyber Future Dialogues as an continued measure of executive discussion across business and cyber chiefs, along with public sector and NGO leaders. This Cyber Future Dialogue is an executive roundtable of select global leaders to serve as a pioneer group to put together a call to action on all things that relate to the executive decision and action on cyber.
“CYBER FUTURE DIALOGUE is not endorsed by or affiliated with WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM”